Tuesday, May 27, 2008

wigger in G-town

totay I was on my way home from bentgate and I saw this kid walking home wearing a massive t-shirt. Yea, he was walking like a retard too. You know, where the kid looks like he has one leg that is a little longer than the other. Well, I saw one of these kids today, but the funny tthing is he was one of the whiteist kids i have ever seen. I mean albino white. I had to look twise to make sure he was not an old man w/ gray hair. This dumb ass kid made me laugh. I hope this story braught a smile to your face.

FYI: If someone tells you that a cool sea breez flows out of an oven they are lying. Today I found that out the hard way, it resulted in me burning my arm rie by my arm pit. Oh well, at leat i hav an excuse to roll up my slave and flex for pople.

Sportin a new scar

Monday, May 26, 2008

St. Marys

Went up and did a little tele skiinging today. The key word being little. I hiked quite a bit then, when I was going up the glaicer the clouds kept getting more end more thick. I decided to stop and put on my boots and skiis when I could no longer see my hand in fron of my face. I then, took it pretty slow, till i could see a bit then I got in a couple good tele turns. I then ate a samich in the rain/snow and went back to my car.

Oh yea, you now have to pay 5 bucks to park at st. marys.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

So, I declared my minor

Yea, I am going to minor in history. I might as well learn form the ones before me.