So yea, i am just wraping up a 15 page paper. Not fun! I spent the greater part of late last eek and the weekend working on it. This really sucked cuz it was Cains birthday sunday. I would have really like to spend some time with him, but i guess that was just not in the cards. Oh well, I tolally made up for it. Since he turned 24 I bought him one of those 24 oz, PBR's. As if this is not a good enough present i crossed out the fluid ounces under 24 adn wrote years old. I felt a little witty after that, and i made sure he saw that when i gave it to him. Anyway, the weekend was not a total loss, I got to frolf with Chris and go for a really awsome ride sunday.
Oh and today, I was on my pieced together single speed on my wat to school. Well, I crossed this bridge across the highway and as I start going down the ramp to the street. I see this girl modeling on the railing. SE was all stretched out like she was trying real hard to grow or something. Well, as I am looking at her I never see the guy taking pictures of her. Well i look up at the last second see him, pull some ninja shit and barely squeeze between him and the railing. I don't know whay i felt like I had to tell you about this, I guess to show you can be a ninja on a non fixed bike with one brake and super narrow bars.