Let's hope 2009 is better than 2008.
Things aint lookin good
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
winter break
Hey there,
So, winter break has settled in. Christmas came and went. Hope you had a good one, I did.
Well, I am over writing this now.
I'll see ya later. If you want to know what I have been up to give me a jingle, and if you don't know who I am, go fuck yourself!
So, winter break has settled in. Christmas came and went. Hope you had a good one, I did.
Well, I am over writing this now.
I'll see ya later. If you want to know what I have been up to give me a jingle, and if you don't know who I am, go fuck yourself!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
you may think I have been MIA
but that's just not the case. Last week was a real shit storm. My dad was real sick and I had some way hard finals. It was a stressful week to say the least. Oh well, saturday made up for it. I went to work till about 8, went fot a way fun ride with some homies, picked up a frame and fork I can use for tt's, went to chris's folk's sweet christmas party, went to got a ride to another party after that. Then, sunday I worke up and ate a burrito and taco. Yum. I then, just hung out with some friends. It was like 10 degrees outside. There is not I could go for a ride. Then when the sun set I went down with it and got some zZz's. I then woke up and made bread in a bakery wothout hot water. That's never fun. Damn frozen pipes. Thaose same frozen pipes are to blame for the flooded bathoom in the bakery. I sure hope things turn uo for Barry, he does not deserve this crap. Well, that's enough rambeling form me for now.
Oh, if your into ounk rock check out The Rabble, they are from New Zeland and they are bad ass.
See Ya
Oh, if your into ounk rock check out The Rabble, they are from New Zeland and they are bad ass.
See Ya
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The retard box

I found the Henry Rollins show on demand today. It is pretty awsome. He does an interview with some person. The show I watched he interviewed Oliver Stone. The discussed political views and shit like that. I liked it quite a bit. Whis was a surprise I have always thaught of Henry Rollins as just one wole loud ass dick head. So, I would like to take that back. He seems pretty educated and driven to better the u.s. Yea, check it out if you have the means to, and if you don'tgo fuck yourself gently I suppose.
Oh! speaking of stuff I like, I went and saw Role Models last night. It had quite a few good lines in it.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
this damn papre has taken over.
So yea, i am just wraping up a 15 page paper. Not fun! I spent the greater part of late last eek and the weekend working on it. This really sucked cuz it was Cains birthday sunday. I would have really like to spend some time with him, but i guess that was just not in the cards. Oh well, I tolally made up for it. Since he turned 24 I bought him one of those 24 oz, PBR's. As if this is not a good enough present i crossed out the fluid ounces under 24 adn wrote years old. I felt a little witty after that, and i made sure he saw that when i gave it to him. Anyway, the weekend was not a total loss, I got to frolf with Chris and go for a really awsome ride sunday.
Oh and today, I was on my pieced together single speed on my wat to school. Well, I crossed this bridge across the highway and as I start going down the ramp to the street. I see this girl modeling on the railing. SE was all stretched out like she was trying real hard to grow or something. Well, as I am looking at her I never see the guy taking pictures of her. Well i look up at the last second see him, pull some ninja shit and barely squeeze between him and the railing. I don't know whay i felt like I had to tell you about this, I guess to show you can be a ninja on a non fixed bike with one brake and super narrow bars.
Oh and today, I was on my pieced together single speed on my wat to school. Well, I crossed this bridge across the highway and as I start going down the ramp to the street. I see this girl modeling on the railing. SE was all stretched out like she was trying real hard to grow or something. Well, as I am looking at her I never see the guy taking pictures of her. Well i look up at the last second see him, pull some ninja shit and barely squeeze between him and the railing. I don't know whay i felt like I had to tell you about this, I guess to show you can be a ninja on a non fixed bike with one brake and super narrow bars.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The People United Will Never Be Defeated.
check out this website. http://www.zapatistas.org/ This is an army that has only used violence once. That was January 1st. The day the NAFTA trade agreements went into place. Since then they have gainde greater control of Chiapas, Mexico peacefully. So, go check it out and see there is hope for this wold.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Did you vote yet?
Just got my ballot a few days ago. I had one of those "mixed up" ones. Whatever, It's here now. So, I am going to fill it out and drop it off tomorrow. Yippie! If I were just a citizen of Wyoming. Then, I may feel like I did someting more productive. Oh well, For all the other 364.25 days of the year I can be glad I don't live in Wyoming.
Well, I better scoot off to bed before some red neck citizen of Wyoming stumbles upon this bolg. Then, finds out where I live, drives his truck south four a couple hours and murks me with a pipe wrench.
Heres to talking cyber trash about theoretical people.
Well, I better scoot off to bed before some red neck citizen of Wyoming stumbles upon this bolg. Then, finds out where I live, drives his truck south four a couple hours and murks me with a pipe wrench.
Heres to talking cyber trash about theoretical people.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Don't waste time
This weekend had it's up's and downs. Lets start this of woth the downs and end it on a good note.
The lame list:
-I spent all saturday inside at the veloswap.
-I am tired now.
-My arms got all scraped up. This happend when I threw my disc in a tree at the lame frolf course in Boulder. First we tried throwing rocks and sticks in this tree and thaat was proving to not be verry effective. So I decided I would climb this tree, seemed like a good idea at the time. Iw was not the disc was way too high. Well, before I noticed that, Zach was going to give me a boost. Yea, that pretty much ment throwing my ass up in the air, and while he did that, I spun around and tore my arms up.The worst, no wait, best part is chris was just standing there, laughing his ass off. Well, I hope they enjoyed that.
Now for the good:
-I got to see a whole bunch of people I don't get to see too often.
-Picked up a headset so, I can now put a diffrent fork on my fixy.
-Spent a lot of time with Gabe.
-Picked up a loaded burrito and drink for free.
-Played frolf all day today. (I had one of the longest puts of my life, that was totally awsome.)
-Went to my brothers bar and had some beer and a sammie. Yum.
-Rode my fixy all over denver saturday night. That included ggetting kicked out of a parking garage.
-Slept in today, Kinda.
Oh, that title came from a conversatin I had saturday.
The lame list:
-I spent all saturday inside at the veloswap.
-I am tired now.
-My arms got all scraped up. This happend when I threw my disc in a tree at the lame frolf course in Boulder. First we tried throwing rocks and sticks in this tree and thaat was proving to not be verry effective. So I decided I would climb this tree, seemed like a good idea at the time. Iw was not the disc was way too high. Well, before I noticed that, Zach was going to give me a boost. Yea, that pretty much ment throwing my ass up in the air, and while he did that, I spun around and tore my arms up.The worst, no wait, best part is chris was just standing there, laughing his ass off. Well, I hope they enjoyed that.
Now for the good:
-I got to see a whole bunch of people I don't get to see too often.
-Picked up a headset so, I can now put a diffrent fork on my fixy.
-Spent a lot of time with Gabe.
-Picked up a loaded burrito and drink for free.
-Played frolf all day today. (I had one of the longest puts of my life, that was totally awsome.)
-Went to my brothers bar and had some beer and a sammie. Yum.
-Rode my fixy all over denver saturday night. That included ggetting kicked out of a parking garage.
-Slept in today, Kinda.
Oh, that title came from a conversatin I had saturday.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Today was cold. Really fuckin cold. Tis weather made it hard to get out of bed and go to work. It also made it quite hard to hop on my bike and head to school.Oh well, I guess I better get used to this.
On a good note, Gabe is coming over friday nigh and we are going to veloswap.
Oh, here is a picture of ME and Gabe last spring

On a good note, Gabe is coming over friday nigh and we are going to veloswap.
Oh, here is a picture of ME and Gabe last spring

Monday, October 20, 2008
My hoodie is a large in Japan
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Today was kinda lame, but I got to take a nap, So that made it much better. TO start the day off I took off on my fixy and hauled ass to the computer lab to print off an article for my 8:30 class. Then i rushed to class to find that it had been canceled. I then rode home and made my self a burrito for breakfast. Then, went back to school, slept through a movie I had seen before. I then went to human variation, got a bad quiz back and took a ton of notes. After class I chilled with Chris for awhile. That was pretty awsome. I then walked to my bike and found it with a flat tire. SHIT! Of corse, I did not have a wrench and my fixy has bolt on wheels. SO, I pulled out my pump and put in some air and just made it home. Thats when I got to take that nap. Now, I need to write a paper.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Hey there interweb, good to see your still here. As for me, I have been a busy one. Here is a list of the things I have done in the past couple weeks:
-Moved to Denver.
-Cleaned out my old apartment
-Raced my first short track race ever. That was a blast, I was hard though. I had not been on the bike for a while.
-Got a cold
-Got over that cold, thake that!
-Started riding my cross bike to school, due to my new closer location.
-Fixed the flats onmy fixy and started riding that to school.
-Wrote 3 papers
-Took a test
-Went to work a few days
-Helped my parents paint the office in there house.
-Played a bunch of frolf (disc golf) Oh, I slipped on a rock playing one evening and fell in the creek. That was kinda shity, gut it gave me an excuse to play with my shirt off.
-Developed a gnar ganr saddle sore.
-Did some fun rides with John Boy Grano.
-Said Bon voyage to Leah.
-Watched 3 Ninjas, Breaking point, some home movies (the cartoon), watched some Tom and Jerry and a shit ton of Entourage.
-Started reading the Harry Potter series, I read part of it when I was younger.
-Showed the plant that came in my new apartment some love
-Went to the store and spent a grip
-Went to sams Club with my mom and spent a grip
-Ate a bunch of yummy food
-Ate a bunch of crappy food
-Fell in love with Sing The Sarrow
-Found the science building on the CU campus.
-Watched the presidential and V.P. debates.
I think that covers most of it. If not, who really gives a shit. Well, I am going to go read an article called Dishonoring The Dead.
Happy Trails
-Moved to Denver.
-Cleaned out my old apartment
-Raced my first short track race ever. That was a blast, I was hard though. I had not been on the bike for a while.
-Got a cold
-Got over that cold, thake that!
-Started riding my cross bike to school, due to my new closer location.
-Fixed the flats onmy fixy and started riding that to school.
-Wrote 3 papers
-Took a test
-Went to work a few days
-Helped my parents paint the office in there house.
-Played a bunch of frolf (disc golf) Oh, I slipped on a rock playing one evening and fell in the creek. That was kinda shity, gut it gave me an excuse to play with my shirt off.
-Developed a gnar ganr saddle sore.
-Did some fun rides with John Boy Grano.
-Said Bon voyage to Leah.
-Watched 3 Ninjas, Breaking point, some home movies (the cartoon), watched some Tom and Jerry and a shit ton of Entourage.
-Started reading the Harry Potter series, I read part of it when I was younger.
-Showed the plant that came in my new apartment some love
-Went to the store and spent a grip
-Went to sams Club with my mom and spent a grip
-Ate a bunch of yummy food
-Ate a bunch of crappy food
-Fell in love with Sing The Sarrow
-Found the science building on the CU campus.
-Watched the presidential and V.P. debates.
I think that covers most of it. If not, who really gives a shit. Well, I am going to go read an article called Dishonoring The Dead.
Happy Trails
Thursday, September 11, 2008
another week
Well, another week of school and work went by. How exciting, not really. Nothing too special happend. I am still waiting to sign the lease on my new place. I guess that will happen next week. Anywho, I am going to miss this apartment. It has been nice living a couple blocks away from some sweet trails that lead to even better trails. It has been even better being just a hop, skip and a jump away from some of my favorite roads. Oh well, I guess I will just have to be more hardcar and ride the ertra bit to these roads. Plus, I will now be able to ride my fixy to school and not be tired and sweaty by 8:30. Yea, being moved is going to be awsome, not moving, but being moved. I really hope I find some of that shit I lost over the last couple of months.
Thinking back on today. It totally rocked. I woke up to a cd that was skiping like a couple of elementry school girls on recess, that did not really rock, literaly. After that It was pretty dang good. I took the bus to school, nothing exciting there, but when I got to sociology we had the best class discussion sence the beginning of the year. Then my secon class was canceled so, I zonked out for an hour in the quiet study room. I totally snaged a couch rite before 4 people came in. I then went to a mediocre class, got some lunch and took the buss home. I then took off on my mtn bike to the morison mud slide trail. It is way more fun if to start from mathew winters instead of red rocks. Whatever, it is not like I have the best handeling skill rite now. i then hoped on my road bike and met Chris at his house we then played some frolf. he was playing way good untill we started playing with these othe cats. Then Chris started playing like me. I then took him out for some pizza and he drove me home cuz it is raining like a banchieee. Well, I better go catch some zzz's cuz i am off to sol vista tomorrow for some mtn. bike racing with Metro. That should be fun.
Thinking back on today. It totally rocked. I woke up to a cd that was skiping like a couple of elementry school girls on recess, that did not really rock, literaly. After that It was pretty dang good. I took the bus to school, nothing exciting there, but when I got to sociology we had the best class discussion sence the beginning of the year. Then my secon class was canceled so, I zonked out for an hour in the quiet study room. I totally snaged a couch rite before 4 people came in. I then went to a mediocre class, got some lunch and took the buss home. I then took off on my mtn bike to the morison mud slide trail. It is way more fun if to start from mathew winters instead of red rocks. Whatever, it is not like I have the best handeling skill rite now. i then hoped on my road bike and met Chris at his house we then played some frolf. he was playing way good untill we started playing with these othe cats. Then Chris started playing like me. I then took him out for some pizza and he drove me home cuz it is raining like a banchieee. Well, I better go catch some zzz's cuz i am off to sol vista tomorrow for some mtn. bike racing with Metro. That should be fun.
Monday, September 8, 2008
So, I have been reading other peoples blogs.
Yea, that made me decide I should put something new up on my blog. I know, kinda a stupid reason to update this.
Anyway, I started school way early so there would be a couple of weeks before the DNC shutdown the auraria campus. That was kinda a crazy time because most teashers tried to cover a shit ton of material. I guess they wanted to discurage students from making that week off turn into an extra 3 weeks of summer. Then the actual week of the DNC I did not really do anything productive. I rode a little and played disc golf everyday. Wite, Disc golf is porductive. It helped my state of mind quite a bit. It is fun whne you get better at something everytime you do it. I guess, it is just a matter of time before I get better by less and less when I play. SO, frolf is fun at least I am enjoying it now.
Well, I better go, I am also writing a paper for a soc. class.
Anyway, I started school way early so there would be a couple of weeks before the DNC shutdown the auraria campus. That was kinda a crazy time because most teashers tried to cover a shit ton of material. I guess they wanted to discurage students from making that week off turn into an extra 3 weeks of summer. Then the actual week of the DNC I did not really do anything productive. I rode a little and played disc golf everyday. Wite, Disc golf is porductive. It helped my state of mind quite a bit. It is fun whne you get better at something everytime you do it. I guess, it is just a matter of time before I get better by less and less when I play. SO, frolf is fun at least I am enjoying it now.
Well, I better go, I am also writing a paper for a soc. class.
Monday, July 28, 2008
feeling beat up
I raced Mt. Evans and it is taking some time to recover from it. Not fun. Speaking of things tha are not fun, I took a little spill the other day when I was riding to my appartment from my parents. The good news is that I just got some bruises and scrapes. Oh yea, I also got pretty beat up when I went tubing. I guess it is time to stop complaining and pack. I am going to Nwe Mwxico for a show tomorrow. I am not too excited to sit in a car for the greater part of the day, but I guess it is a little better than working.
Monday, June 30, 2008
ring of fire
I went to warped tour and I missed a ring around my neck where i did not apply any sun screan. It feels like shit, but I baught a grip of Aloe vera so I can just apply that liberaly for some relief.
P.S. 7 dollars for a beer is bullshit.
P.S. 7 dollars for a beer is bullshit.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
bruised collar bones
It has been awhile since I have written anything on here. Since then i have been working riding and I went backpacking. that's how i bruised my collar bones. The pack I used was meant for someone w/ a longer torso. That's where the bruises came from. Yea, and the rest of my upper body is sore from running the oven at work. That's not easy. On a real good note, the v.a. accepted my case so, i am going to get some money when i am in school. Now, i will be able to spread my classes out a little more. No more of this full time, two day a week, non sense.
Your friend
Your friend
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
wigger in G-town
totay I was on my way home from bentgate and I saw this kid walking home wearing a massive t-shirt. Yea, he was walking like a retard too. You know, where the kid looks like he has one leg that is a little longer than the other. Well, I saw one of these kids today, but the funny tthing is he was one of the whiteist kids i have ever seen. I mean albino white. I had to look twise to make sure he was not an old man w/ gray hair. This dumb ass kid made me laugh. I hope this story braught a smile to your face.
FYI: If someone tells you that a cool sea breez flows out of an oven they are lying. Today I found that out the hard way, it resulted in me burning my arm rie by my arm pit. Oh well, at leat i hav an excuse to roll up my slave and flex for pople.
Sportin a new scar
FYI: If someone tells you that a cool sea breez flows out of an oven they are lying. Today I found that out the hard way, it resulted in me burning my arm rie by my arm pit. Oh well, at leat i hav an excuse to roll up my slave and flex for pople.
Sportin a new scar
Monday, May 26, 2008
St. Marys
Went up and did a little tele skiinging today. The key word being little. I hiked quite a bit then, when I was going up the glaicer the clouds kept getting more end more thick. I decided to stop and put on my boots and skiis when I could no longer see my hand in fron of my face. I then, took it pretty slow, till i could see a bit then I got in a couple good tele turns. I then ate a samich in the rain/snow and went back to my car.
Oh yea, you now have to pay 5 bucks to park at st. marys.
Oh yea, you now have to pay 5 bucks to park at st. marys.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
So, I declared my minor
Yea, I am going to minor in history. I might as well learn form the ones before me.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
So, I went to wyoming to race my bike.
While I was there I barley spent anytime on my bike. I had a good time though.
Here are a few things I did:
Broke into the house we were staying in.
Take a nap.
Read a textbook.
ride some rollers (lame)
Start off taking a shower that slowly becomes a nasty bath complete with dog hair flys and mystery items. (gross)
ride in a car that went all around laramie.
sleep in my sleeping bag under another sleeping bag. (I got a little cold at night)
make a large breakfast
enjoy a small part of that breafast.
watch The Big Lawbowski
Eat free food and drink free beer.
Find out there is no chance of warming up when the wind blows icy air rite to the bone.
Race like shit due to no warm up.
ride in the wind for a short time.
Yea, that about all you can do in laramie when the weather is not your friend
Here are a few things I did:
Broke into the house we were staying in.
Take a nap.
Read a textbook.
ride some rollers (lame)
Start off taking a shower that slowly becomes a nasty bath complete with dog hair flys and mystery items. (gross)
ride in a car that went all around laramie.
sleep in my sleeping bag under another sleeping bag. (I got a little cold at night)
make a large breakfast
enjoy a small part of that breafast.
watch The Big Lawbowski
Eat free food and drink free beer.
Find out there is no chance of warming up when the wind blows icy air rite to the bone.
Race like shit due to no warm up.
ride in the wind for a short time.
Yea, that about all you can do in laramie when the weather is not your friend
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
one month to the day
So, I will take my last final on May 14th. I will be quite glad when that day comes. untill then i will be busy reading and studying.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
a new respect
This one goes out to the messengers. I spent a fair amount of time today riding my bike with a heavy bag. Thats not too easy. Well, hats off to you.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
off timing
Friday night was sweet. I went and watched Mike take the Mr. big red title. That kid is such a bad ass.
Saturday ate shit. i did not get enough sleep. Work was work. I missed the time trial in Bear Creek. I just ended up taking a much needed nap. That felt good. Then Probs, Chris and Josh came over so we stayed up late watching Run Ronnie Run and playing some video games. If you are ever awake when there is a time change and you go by the clock on a cell phone it can be quite confusing.
Waking up for a conconi at 9 was kinda lame but when I was getting on the highway I saw a falcon on a light post. That was way awsome. Then later in the day I saw a couple of hawks soaring above me while I went up the highgrade. That was preety sweet. One thing that was not sweet was riding back to my car. The road was all wet and had snow on parts of it. That was pure misery. I then drove home with the hearer on and took a hot shower when I got home. When I finally got my body temp. back to normal I took a splended little nap. I really enjoy those naps. I just might have sleep during the day more often.
Well, I better do a little studying for my chicano studies mid term. That is not going to be an easy one.
Saturday ate shit. i did not get enough sleep. Work was work. I missed the time trial in Bear Creek. I just ended up taking a much needed nap. That felt good. Then Probs, Chris and Josh came over so we stayed up late watching Run Ronnie Run and playing some video games. If you are ever awake when there is a time change and you go by the clock on a cell phone it can be quite confusing.
Waking up for a conconi at 9 was kinda lame but when I was getting on the highway I saw a falcon on a light post. That was way awsome. Then later in the day I saw a couple of hawks soaring above me while I went up the highgrade. That was preety sweet. One thing that was not sweet was riding back to my car. The road was all wet and had snow on parts of it. That was pure misery. I then drove home with the hearer on and took a hot shower when I got home. When I finally got my body temp. back to normal I took a splended little nap. I really enjoy those naps. I just might have sleep during the day more often.
Well, I better do a little studying for my chicano studies mid term. That is not going to be an easy one.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
I am much too young to feel this damn old
I don't feel too hot. Yesterday I went for a ride on I was just exauseted. That was not too fun, so, I cut it short and went home, ate some delish poppseed bread (thanks mom). I then took a nap on the couch. That felt oh so good. I then woke up, showered ate some more then went and saw Semi pro. Now, I am watching the snow fall. I guess it is a good day to sit back and take it easy. I think I may clean up my mess of a room.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Today was totally awsome. I woke up and ate a shit ton of food. Then, at a slow pace I got ready for a ride. I had to do some intervals in the hill so i headed out to lookout. I did those Intervals. I then rode up lookout and made my way up genesee mountain. I then, decided I wanted to ride this road I discoverd over the winter, so I did that. After a short up hill this road turned to dirt, started going downhill and got quite narrow. Well, it eventuly ended up dumping out on highway 74. I had no idea where I was for awhile. Then I saw a sign saying I was 4 miles away from kitredge. I was like, hey that sounds farmiluar. I think I will just keep going, So I eventuly ended up in the heart of evergreen according to a coulpe of signs I saw. I then went up some road I did a time trial on. After riding that course I made my way to the cheif hosa exit. Oh yea, I took a little time to get lost a couple times. I then, took some dirt road back Genisee mountain went back to lookout and made my way home.
It was a good day, much better than going to work.
It was a good day, much better than going to work.
Monday, February 25, 2008
sleepy time clinton
today was a little rough. I was way sore from doing some core workouts in the gym and skiing. That was not too fun. Then, when I got to my u.s. history class I found out we were just going to watch a movie after we went over last weeks teat. That was noce, it gave me like 45 minuets to catch some zzz's. So, I woke up when te lights came on and made my way throught the rest of my classes. Then, Chris gave me a ride home in the Green Machine. He then cut my hair and went home. I then, took a nap, woke up, made some mac and cheese then started studying for my goverment test on Wednesday.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
solo awsomeness
Today was an amazing day all by myself. I woke up at like 6:40. That was not too awsome, but I was itchin to tele and Barry has been telling me the only time to skii eldora on the weekends is rite when the lifts open. So, I got up ate some cerial and a grapefruit and took off to the hills. I spent 4 hours or so trying to become a better tele skiier. It was going real weell untill I got a little full of myself and hit the ground hard. But, falling is just part of learning and bruises will always heal. Then, I took a few more runs and decided I would just call it a day. So, I made my way to my car, changed and ate a samich, then drove home. I then hopped on my bike and went for a windy cold ride. I was quite surprised at how well I felt. Then, I came home ate some food and watched 50 first dates by myself cuz my roomate runs off to his room when I get home. That brings me to this moment rite now.
This was one day I will remember.
This was one day I will remember.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Dinner time lessons
Sunday, February 10, 2008
snow, wind, sun and so on
I tink I was still in classes at red rocks when I last posted something. Not like it matters, nobody reads this. Anyway, I spent my winter break on my bike, on tele skiis and at work. Since I have moved i have been riding in the mountains sround golden quite a bit. That has been awsome. Speaking of awsome stuff, my boss taught me and a co worker how to tele skii. I am really enjoying that. I am still not too hot on the planks but that will come with time and practice. Well I better mosey on off to bed. i am auite tired from a long ride today and I gotta get up early for class tomorrow.
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